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Phone: 9865876681

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2.41km away
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean m
Phone: 9865876681
Give your child the advantage of learning abacus
General FAQ
At what age should I enrol my child to an abacus class?
From 5 to 13 years. This is the right age because physical brain development occurs at this age. So the brain is capable of learning a lot at this age.
What is the abacus course duration?
There are a total of 8 levels. Each level is taught for 3-4 months. In the first 4 levels, children are taught how to add and subtract numbers with 1 to 4 digits. Multiplication is introduced in the 4th level. The division is introduced in the 5th level. Once the children finish all levels, they can do basic calculations in their minds without an abacus. The child receives a certificate for each level they complete successfully.
How many lectures are conducted by abacus classes?
The abacus tutors teach 2 hours per week and 12 to 14 hours per month. 2 Hour continuous class is conducted every week on Monday to Sunday.
What are abacus classes?
In the regular abacus classes, the tutor teaches abacus using the abacus, and slowly the abacus is taken out from the regular classes to enable children to try mental maths. The tutor teaches all techniques of doing basic mathematical calculations in an abacus, speed writing, fingering practice, and oral sums. Generally, a small batch of students learn at a time with an abacus tutor.
What are the benefits of learning abacus?
Abacus coaching teaches kids how to calculate using an abacus or without an abacus. Children can do fast calculations, analytical skills, concentration, listening, photo memory are obtained.
At what level the child can start doing mental math sums?
Children can start doing mental math sums from Level 2. In Level 2, children can add single-digit numbers. They will gradually work with larger numbers as they progress to higher levels.
What is the class timing?
Usually, the timing is fixed based on the convenience of the children. The timing is fixed without affecting the school timings of the children.
Can my child get academic improvement by learning the abacus?
Yes. Doing mental math quickly helps prevent calculation errors and leads to higher test scores. Children can use photo memory to quickly understand and draw pictures in Science class, helping them get better grades.
Does the abacus calculation confuse with the school method math calculations?
Generally, calculations are taught in the primary section, and it is called "arithmetic". Learning an abacus is to calculate numbers. So this should not be confused with mathematics which deals with maths concepts.
Can my child participate in the National Level Competition?
Yes. If a child knows some of the basic formulae of the abacus, the child can participate in the competition in the group of "Incomplete Starters (Level 1)". After completion of levels, they can appear for the respective levels. Usually, the competition is conducted once a year.
What is the pre-requisite for joining an abacus class?
The child should have completed at least 5 years of age and be able to identify numbers from 1 to 100. They should know the concept of addition and subtraction of numbers.
Is there any possibility that an abacus student forgetting the acquired knowledge?
No. To develop lifelong skills, it's essential to practice a little bit every day. "Practice makes the person perfect", the proverb is exactly true to abacus education too.