Awards and Honours
Mr. N. Basheer Ahamed, CMD., CEO., receiving the "Entrepreneurs Council of India Award" as one of the awardee of India in recognition to his service in the Kids skill development Education, in the last 18 years, from Hon’ble Justice Dr. T.N. Vallinayagam, Judge - Lok Adalat, Former Judge - High Court of Madras & Karnataka and President – Entrepreneurs Council of India on the occasion of the ENTREPRENEURS OF THE YEAR 2016 AWARD Ceremony, held on 7th January 2017 at VGP Golden Beach, Chennai India. >>> Photo
The company's business under the leadership of Mr Basheer Ahamed, Chairman & Managing Director was ranked amongst Top 100 Franchise Opportunities for the year 2010. >>> Photo
Invitation from Director of Elementary Education, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Mrs. J. Uma Maheswari at Chennai,
for demonstration and Pilot Project giving Abacus Mental Arithmetic Training to the 3rd , 4th &
the 5th class students, 5000 students from 50 schools also train 100 Teachers to train the students
in the year of 2007. >>> Photo
Mr. Basheer Ahamed, Chairman & Managing Director, was honoured with the Rashtriya Gaurav Award Certificate of Excellence for the meritorious services, Outstanding Performance and Remarkable Role by Dr. G.V.G. Krishnamurthy, Hon'ble Former Election Commissioner on the occasion of Seminar on Economic Growth and National Integration at New Delhi on the 17th December, 2002. >>> Photo
Member - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics(NCTM) Virginia. >>> Photo
Member - International Soroban Diffusion Foundation NPO - Japan. >>> Photo
Certificate awarded to Indian Abacus - in the First Second ASSOCHAM - ICAI-CMA SMEs Excellence Award - 2014 Delhi - for Innovation. >>> Photo

Selected one of the 50 people for IIGP 2016
Mr N. Basheer Ahamed was selected one of the 50 people for India innovation Growth program – IIGP 2016 by Ministry of science and technology, Government of India and Stanford Business school USA and The University of Texas at Austin USA (Institute of Global Commercialization group -GCG)
Our Pride
It was an honour to the Company to have been invited by Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam, His Excellency, The Former President of India, to make concept presentation by Mr. N. Basheer Ahamed, CEO., and live Demo by the trained Students.

Mr. Basheer Ahamed, Chairman & Managing Director was selected, for the year 2008, as one of the 50 leaders in the country, who redefined Indian Education >>> Photo
Mr Basheer Ahamed, Chairman & Managing Director, was honoured by Dr K. Rosaiah, His Excellency, the Governor of Tamil Nadu, with the presentation of ARCH OF EXCELLENCE AWARD on the 18th July 2012 during All India Achievers Conference. >>> Photo
Invitation from His Highness Nawab Mohammed Abdul Ali, Prince of Arcot. >>> Photo
The One week tour of Mr. Basheer Ahamed India to X’ian, China to get acquainted with the extensive knowledge in the field of China gave him the rare opportunity to reestablish the position in abacus mental arithmetic education. >>> Photo
Mr. Basheer Ahamed, Chairman & Managing Director, was honoured with Life Achivement Award for his untiring efforts to attain perfection and fullfilling the vision of Kalam by Dr. at Chennai on 30.07.2016. >>> Photo
M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF)
M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Chennai and Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd., joint Research project (Pilot) of Indian Abacus program for the children of rural area is being executed at their Village Knowledge Centres in Tamil Nadu, India on 3rd Aug. 2015 - 2017
It is a matter of great honour that India could secure Executive Director Council Membership of World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic (WAAMA), a world body for the skill development education through Abacus. >>> Photo
Organisation entered Limca Book of World Records for the largest ever student participation (8257 students) in National level Abacus & Mental Arithmetic Competition, in the year 2004 in one day and under one roof. >>> Photo
Shri Rahul Gandhi, General Secretary, AICC & Smt. Sonia Gandhiji, President, AICC, witnessed the live demonstration of Abacus Mental Arithmetic Computation, presented by trained students, on the 1st February, 2011, at New Delhi, and appreciated the skills of the children in Speed & Accuracy in Abacus based computation.
Entrepreneur & Educationist
Mr Basheer Ahamed, Chairman and Managing Director, was conferred with the award "Entrepreneur & Educationist" in the august presence of Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Sri. M. Karunanidhi and His Excellency, the Governor of Tamil Nadu, Sri Surjith Singh Barnala and other dignitaries, on the occasion of 7th International Conference of Islamic Ilakkiya Kazhagam, held on the 27th May 2007.

Invitation from Hon’ble Governor for Tamil Nadu, His Excellency – Sri Surjith Singh Barnala, at Chennai Raj Bhavan, for the demonstration of Abacus Mental Arithmetic by students. >>> Photo
Indian Abacus organization is a member of the National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC - USA). >>> Photo
Invitation from His Excellency Sri. K. Rosaiah, Governor of Tamil Nadu on 11.8.2015, at Raj Bhawan, Chennai, who has appreciated the skills of the children in Speed & Accuracy in Abacus based computation, witnessing the live demonstration presented by the team lead by Mr. N. Basheer Ahamed, Managing Director and Inventor - Indian Abacus. >>> Photo
Mr. Basheer Ahamed, Chairman and Managing Director, was chosen by The Times Group as one of the 17 Trailblazers of Tamil Nadu recognizing his service in the Kids Education in India. All the Trailblazers honoured by The Times Group figure in their Coffee Table Book brought out by them and released by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Sri. M. Karunanidhi, on the 5th June 2007. >>> Photo
Considering the excellant performance in expanding the network of Franchisees all over India for Abacus Coaching, Mr. Basheer Ahamed has been identified and appointed by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations UK, as Examination Manager / Centre offering their examinations to students & Teachers in India. >>> Photo
Chinese delegation lead by Mr. Steven Chen visited our Global Head Office in Anna Nagar, Chennai in the year Sep. 2009 and discussed about business opportunities in their country. The delegation appreciated our contribution in the field of Abacus based mental arithmetic education. >>> Photo