LKG/UKG Abacus
for Play Schools
Course Outline: [Duration 2 years – LKG and UKG
Understanding the structure of abacus
Place value of number system
Manipulation of Slider Abacus
Learning number structure through Abacus
Introduction of basic addition
Introduction of basic Subtraction
Course Outcome:
Understand the place value concept
Easily understand the addition and subtraction concepts
Strong foundation for number-based mathematics
Learn numbers at a faster pace
Improves their Visualization, Concentration, photographic Memory and Listening Skills
We request the School Managements to arrange to provide one TUTOR / TEACHER ABACUS FOR EACH CLASS ROOM by which the Kids learn (Addition and Subtraction) numbers up to 1000.
We shall provide a ONE DAY ABACUS BASED MATH FOUNDATION COURSE AT OUR OFFICE OR YOUR SCHOOL to your school teacher/s to teach the kids and provide the Course materials Tutor Guide / Manual.
Please feel free to contact us for any further queries.
For Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd.,
N. Basheer Ahamed,
Managing Director
Inventor – Indian AbacusMath Instruments