Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept where a Company on its own decides to contribute to the betterment of the Society and a cleaner environment. CSR activities can be in the field of investing human capital, health sector, fight against poverty and development of education besides conservation of the environment
Taking into account the large population of the country, particularly the younger ones, to whom the society is obliged to educate them properly so that the younger ones attain the required skills to perform to the necessary level of expectations of each industry and organization in future.
As the younger ones of the age group of 5 to 13 constitute nearly about 12% of our population, the society has a prime responsibility to make these future champions in every field, a knowledgeable and skilled sect. Indian Abacus product and programme are structured as a whole brain development programme to make these sections of our future champions of all fields, an intelligent and confident sect. Many of the Schools including Govt. Schools have realized the importance of Indian Abacus product and programme and have started implementing the Indian Abacus Mental Arithmetic as part of their curriculum. Majority of the students in more Schools are deprived of this Whole Brain Development Programme for want of required resources. On our part, we, the Indian Abacus Private Limited, have SIMPLIFIED THE FEE STRUCTURE TO SUIT THESE SCHOOL STUDENTS, WITHOUT COMPROMISING THE QUALITY AND CONTENT OF THE PROGRAMME.
The benevolent Organisations who want to give this Indian Abacus Mental Arithmetic Education to these students for a lifetime skill can take up and sponsor this programme as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility activity. On our part, we ever remain ready to wholeheartedly associate with their noble cause.

M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF)
Prof. M.S Swaminathan, a World Renowned Agricultural scientist, gave Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd. an opportunity to bring this Indian Abacus Program to their VKCs (village Knowledge centers) to benefit the rural young children 5 - 13 years who are deprived of this opportunity. Indian Abacus and MSSRF (M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai) jointly undertook this project in 16 identified village Knowledge centers, 400 students, and 16 teachers to improve their maths proficiency such as listening skills, concentration speed, and accuracy and enhancement of memory, etc.
VKCs are those centers established by MSSRF in rural areas to impart computer literacy and other day-to-day national and international information which they seldom get hitherto. Moreover, our Abacus program will be an eye-opener for the rural VKC children to improve their maths proficiency such as listening skills, concentration speed, and accuracy and enhancement of memory, etc. The Abacus Training- 1st level was given to the VKC teachers at MSSRF campus along with the Training materials. The necessary study materials such as level books, Progress Report, Student Abacus, Bag, Pencil, etc. were given to the students of VKC. The entire program including study materials, training materials and training to the VKC teachers were offered free of cost by Indian Abacus Pvt. Ltd. The 1st level was completed by the VKCs successfully, and it is an ongoing program.