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Features of Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors & Remote operations:

Writer: Basheer CEO., IndianAbacusBasheer CEO., IndianAbacus

The Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors is bigger in size (748 x 402 x 48 MM). Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors device developed offers greater ease and comfort to the tutors in coaching the students since they will be able to understand the concept easily by registering in memory the colour images representing the values. When the child manipulates the slider/s to do calculations, the slider/s pushed towards the bar project open the hidden colour (Red and Green) images, which otherwise hide the images in the no value position in sync with the body of the Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors.

Oral Sums Call out & Remote Control

The Indian Abacus-Digital for Tutors is designed using Hardware and software for various aspects of training (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division) & testing requirements. Calling out of sums (orals) using inbuilt Mp3 Player – the system provides calling out of oral sums – the speaker provided in the Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors enables reaching of the output to the entire class room; Deferred displaying of answers after verifying the children's answers; Conducting the assessments using the countdown timer; Setting time duration for the tests when conducted. Using the Remote control unit, the Tutor could control all the activities from one place simultaneously observing the students' individual performances.

Features of Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors & Remote operations:

  1. The main power switch to on & off the Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors.

  2. Play Button for the students to do practice of Oral sums. Numbers called out would be visible on the LCD.

  3. Pause Button is to temporarily stop the operation going on at any point of time.

  4. Stop Button is to stop the Oral call out operation.

  5. Volume Button is to increase and decrease the volume.

  6. Fast Forward and Backward Buttons are to locate the specific file.

  7. UP and Down buttons are to scroll up down the program being displayed on the LCD screen.

  8. Plus or Minus Button is to are to choose the kind of arithmetic operation - Addition and Subtraction.

  9. Multiplication Button is to perform the arithmetic operation of Multiplication.

  10. Division Button is to perform the arithmetic operation of Division.

  11. Practice Button is to perform the arithmetic operation of Addition and Subtraction Horizontally.

  12. Unit Point Button is to change the unit column on Indian Abacus – Digital for Tutors.

  13. Timer Button is to operate the functions of Stop Watch/ Countdown Timer.

  14. On / Off button on the Remote can de-activate all the electronic operations, such as LCD & LED.

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Indian Abacus

  • Indian Abacus group company has rich experience in Abacus based mental arithmetic skill development program in India, since 1999.

  • The Program teaches skill management techniques that activate the infinite hidden potential of the human brain and its effective use.

  • The newly invented and patented, state-of-the-art Digital and non-Digital abacus helps students work mental calculations with higher speed and accuracy.

  • The program is specifically designed for children of 5 to 13 age group. Indian Abacus children acquire skills for lifetime skill enhancement which makes them apply the knowledge in all areas throughout their life.

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